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23 Nov 2013

Three Tips for Achieving Ecommerce Success

When setting up a new business, many people read up on success stories to try to discover the secrets behind other company’s success. Those who set up ecommerce businesses often look at the likes of Amazon as an inspiration, hoping to achieve just a fraction of their success.
When it comes to the ecommerce field, the best ecommerce solution is relatively simple. First, find a great niche product, create a great brand and website and market it with a brilliant strategy. The problem with all businesses is that even this doesn’t guarantee that you will achieve success. There never is a guarantee. The best approach to take is to enter the market as well-informed as you can possibly be.
Understanding how to avoid common mistakes can sometimes be the key to success. One of the top reasons why people leave ecommerce websites is because the website is too slow to load. Although it can be tempting to cram your website full with impressive graphics and videos, but if these mainly serve to slow your website down, is it really worth it? Bear in mind that on your office broadband, you may have a faster connection than your customers. Remember that customers will be looking at your website from a range of varying computers and internet connections. If your website is clogged up with graphics to the point that it is slow to load, you will find that customers leave almost instantly. No one wants to wait around for a website to load when they can quite easily look elsewhere.
Next, it is vital that you have a professional, sleek looking website. Simply having a website on an ecommerce platform is not sufficient, your website has to look the part. Bear in mind that if you were selling your products off the internet, you’d be looking for an attractive location, decorated to the highest of standards. You should aim for this excellence with your ecommerce website. When you don’t have a brick and mortar shop, you have to make up for this by creating a professional looking shopping environment which encourages people to purchase your products.
The next think to get right is your pricing. If you sell things for the same price as on the high street, people will have no incentive to shop online because they could just purchase the same product without the delivery costs. In order to persuade a customer to use your service, you will need to offer a good price.

About the Author

To read up on the best ecommerce solution, check out eCommera’s website.