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23 Nov 2013

The Importance of Good Communication With Customers

When entering the online retail environment, you are stuck with the task of standing out amongst your competitors. There are few, if any areas which have not already been ventured by a company somewhere. When your business relies on standing out, making an impression really makes a difference. Creating a great shopping experience for the customer is incredibly important, much like your marketing campaign, getting the right ecommerce software solution and of course, the right products.
First and foremost, it is important to make a strong, instant connection with your clients. Many ecommerce websites now make the most of instant chat features. Bear in mind that not all people trust companies that they have never heard of, and for some people, calling a company is a little too much effort. However, with a simple instant chat feature, your customers can quickly get in touch with you to ease any doubts in their mind. If you're quick to respond and chat in a professional yet friendly manner, you are likely to make a great first impression on your customers.
Next, try to take a friendly approach when chatting to customers. Address customers by their name in emails, rather than using "sir" "madam" or "Mr Jones". When using online chat, introduce yourself, giving your name and location, to portray the image of a "real" person, rather than just a computer.Social media is generally used as an informal way for customers to liaise with companies. However, it is also the first place that many people go when they are disgruntled.
Social media is also a great way to form a bond with your customers. Always ensure that your messages are personalised and friendly, without crossing the line. Remember your basic manners and most importantly - the customer is always right. Social media is generally used as an informal way for customers to liaise with companies. However, it is also the first place that many people go when they are disgruntled.
The public are aware of how important a public image is to a company, and they will try to ensure that others know about their bad experiences. All companies get some bad press at some point, but the key to success is managing this effectively. Never argue back or try to place the blame on the customer, even if they are completely in the wrong. Instead, acknowledge their complaint and do what you can to resolve it, politely. Nothing makes a company look worse than turning the blame back on the client, no matter who is right.

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To choose your ecommerce software solution, visit eCommera.