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23 Nov 2013

How to Increase the Conversion Rate on Your Ecommerce Website

There is a lot to consider when setting up an ecommerce business, not only stocking up on products and getting your website perfect, but also ensuring that your business is well marketing and effective at converting visitors into customers.
Often, the most simple ecommerce solutions are the most effective. Have you got an FAQ section on your website? Customers often have a small question that doesn't quite warrant making a phone call. The things that may seem obvious to you may not actually be obvious to a customer. With an FAQ section, you have the opportunity to answer those queries which a customer may not have deemed worthy of getting in touch about. Ensure that your FAQ section covers it all, including in depth details of returns, delivery, expected delivery times, product warranties etc.
Are your contact details displayed in a prominent position on the page? Customers are likely to want to get in touch with you and if you make it difficult for them to do so, it may look like you are hiding something from them. A contact form is not enough. By all means, have a contact form as an option because some customers don't like picking up the phone, but it is vital that the customer has a wide range of options to enable them to make the right decision. When ordering off a company that they have never heard of, customers are reassured by the confirmation that they are speaking to a "real" person at a "real" company.
One great feature which would set your website apart from the crowd is a back in stock notification. When your products are out of stock, allow customers the opportunity to receive an email notification when that product is available to buy. This simple feature could prevent a customer from looking elsewhere or giving up on your website altogether. Sometimes, customers are happy to wait a week or two for a product, whereas without that option, the customer will completely leave your website and go to a competitor instead.
You might know why your business is great, but that doesn't mean that other people to. Let your unique selling points be known by displaying them in the header of your website. Look at your competitor's website and see where they are falling short. Offer whatever they don't as a selling point of your business.

About the Author

For more information on ecommerce solutions, visit eCommera.