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23 Nov 2013

Pashmina Shawls - Warm Addition to Winter Wardrobe

Pashmina shawls and scarves make a beautiful and extremely warm addition to winter wardrobe. Coming under the category of luxury clothing, these shawls are made of high quality wool blended with pure silk. Read below if you wish to buy original pashmina.
Pashmina shawls and scarves are well known for the warmth they exude. Though they are thin in nature they can keep you cozy even during thickest of winters. These come in amazing styles and designs so you can even plan an entire wardrobe around pashmina. If you have heard raving reviews of pashmina and have been interested to get your hands on a good pashmina shawl for quite some time you must know that buying pashmina is a responsible task. We share with you some tips on how to do pashmina shopping so that you can have a profitable and pleasant experience.
Pashmina shawl comes under the category of luxury clothing. Pashmina works are expensive to buy and many buyers often get cheated. An original pashmina is combination of 70% of high quality Kashmiri wool with 30% of pure silk. This is why it is so expensive. Though the shawls come in intricate hand embroidered works of superior creativity it is the purity of the material that determines its price. The problem is that artificial pashmina and real pashmina look quite similar.
For someone who has little or no understanding of how to differentiate between these two, it is easy to get duped. There are a few physical tests and observations that can be done to confirm purity of pashmina.
The original pashmina feels a little rough to touch. It is smooth across its body. When you lift it and feel it between your fingers it immediately gives off warmth. If you were to burn a thread from a pure pashmina shawl it would burn and give off smell like a burnt human hair, the artificial thread will not give off any such smell. Save yourself from making a doubtful purchase and always buy pashmina shawls from a certified buyer.
Buy from shops that have been selling pashmina clothing ( for years and have a good reputation in market. Since such sellers are restricted to only certain parts of the world you can shop from websites of such popular stores and manufacturers that ship pashmina shawls and scarves to different parts of the globe. You can easily find such websites online but make sure to check their quality policies ( before buying from them.
Pashmina shawls stay new for 30-35 years and these can be passed on to the next generation. Use of pashmina shawls and scarves is not limited just to women. It is an amazing gift for women and men of all age groups. There are many prints of pashmina which are designed keeping in mind men`s clothing tastes. Click here to know more about pashmina.
Pashmina of high quality will always be expensive but if you can find a wholesaler you can catch hold of some pretty affordable deals. Since it is difficult to come across such professionals you should do some homework and try to find out about those e-stores that sell authentic pashmina at affordable prices. Always compare the prices from various websites to make sure you are getting a good deal. For more information visit

About the Author

The author of this article is associated with Exotic India, a leading seller of Indian clothing. One can find the complete array of Indian apparel with them.