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23 Nov 2013

Antibacterial Spray: Does It Really Work?

Lately there have been quite a ruckus about antibacterial spray, their effectiveness and the effects it could have on the environment. People always tend to look at the negative side of something before they focus on the positive.
A good dose of germs is good for everybody as it will boost your immunity, by creating antibodies for the specific bacteria. But do you really want to eat at a restaurant or stay in a hotel you are not entirely sure are bacteria free? Collecting your own germs is one thing but facing the germs of others is something else entirely. You will never know where that hands that previously used your restaurant table have been. and as we already know dirty unwashed hands are one of the main vessels of transportation for germs.
How does antibacterial spray work?
These sprays contain antibacterial active ingredients, and antimicrobials that kills germs by altering their cell walls causing the bacteria to literally self destruct as a result. Active ingredients in these sprays includes, chlorine, bleach, iodine, peroxide, alcohol and other substances. Bateria does not handle a change in pH very well, and this might cause their demise too.
Does it really work?
The simple answer is yes, the more complicated answer is maybe. As we all need some bacteria to live a healthy life killing every germ you come in contact with might have a negative effect on your health in the long run. It is however important to view the efficacy of antibacterial spray within the context it is used. If a restaurant or hotel for instance do not use disinfectant agents and you pick up a bug as a result, you are likely to log a claim against that specific company. Now image they tell you that germs are a natural occurrence and they do nothing to eliminate them because some people believe it is better to be exposed to germs. How would you react? You will probably report them to the health authorities.
Recent studies have found that antibacterial spray is the most effective form of disinfectant to combat the spread of bacteria. The study also shown that a single dose of antibacterial agents can be active as long as 48 hours after application. Resulting a germ free zone for longer.
It is however important to note that the efficacy of disinfectants depends on the contact time of the agents with the germs. If you do not follow the manufacturer's instructions or stick to the recommended contact time you might as well skip the antibacterial spray entirely. By not following the instructions you might simply be allowing the germs to grow resistant to to the antimicrobial substance, and evolving as stronger counterparts.
When judging the efficacy of disinfectant sprays it is important that you do so in context, you might not need them for your home, but you will feel disgusted if hotels or restaurants does not use it. To ensure that you get the best results out of your spray it is important that you follow the instructions carefully.

About the Author

Tom Willson works for Relay Spray. Relay Spray offer a ready to use antibacterial spray specifically designed for the re-laying of table tops during service.